Smartphone screen protection is a huge industry but for the most part screen protectors are useless and make outlandish claims.
Large-capacity Lithium-ion batteries used in e-scooters, e-skateboards, and e-bikes, caused over 500 major fires in Australia in H1/2023.
TPG/iiNet/Internode/Westnet will jettison its email users, offering them the option of a one-off transfer to ‘The Messaging Company’.
The latest Telstra f’up concerns a 91-year-old, in-home care dementia/stroke patient losing her landline lifeline. It could happen to you!
Lithium-ion e-scooters, e-skateboards, e-bikes and more have been banned on British transport with calls for Australia to follow suit.
International Roaming has become vital to Aussies holidaying overseas. New security changes make it vital to use an Austraslian number.
The 2023 Norton Cyber Safety Insights Report paints an accurate but grim picture of consumer cyber safety. Here are a few tips to stay safe.
Phone ring time too short? Missing calls? You can extend it easily at no cost. The hack works on Android and iPhone.
Telstra has advised its universal service obligation (USO) customers (those on the $25-45 per month plan) that receive a landline […]
Nearly 80% of top apps lie about privacy on Google Play Data Safety label listings, according to Mozilla research. Apple App store too!
5G Fact and Fiction. What is it? What does it do that 4G can’t? Does it cause cancer? We answer all the important questions.
TikTok is dangerous. All western governments are urged to follow the EU, US and Australian governments to consider a full ban.