Will Blu-ray take itself down?

The economic downturn is causing some pretty bad fallout there but one thing that might just fail could be Blu-ray.

The economic downturn is causing some pretty bad fallout there but one thing that might just fail could be Blu-ray.

Sony’s high-definition format which beat out Toshiba’s HD-DVD earlier this year might be a win to be taken in vain if reports are close to right.

Industry professionals are suggesting that because Blu-ray needs so much to work, it’s requirement that users spend a lot to get anything out of Blu-ray might be the very thing which causes it to fail. Components like the high-definition TV set, Blu-ray player, HDMI cables, and then the high-priced Blu-ray discs themselves might be the very thing to undermine Blu-ray as money problems start to settle in people’s wallets.

Source: Reuters

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