RED announce new cameras

Camera company RED today confirmed rumours and announced two drool-tastic high-end cameras that’ll make big players like Canon, Nikon & Sony get the shivers.

Camera company RED today confirmed rumours and announced the drool-tastic Scarlet and EPIC camera systems. These new cameras are unlike anything you’ve ever seen before and put every digital SLR and camcorder to shame… although at a starting point of $2500 US dollars, you’d bloody well expect that.

Built off of a modular system not so different from how advanced medium & large format cameras are handled at the moment, RED’s new Digital Stills and Motion Camera system (DSMC) can be configured to hundreds of thousands of possible combinations for your digital still & video needs.

With resolutions that currently eat 720p and even FullHD’s 1080p for breakfast, these are not video cameras for anyone but the pro but it is an interesting little warning shot across the Nikon & Canon fronts. The RED systems are unlikely to pose any real threat to either of there video capable DSLRs – the Nikon D90 and the Canon 5D Mark II – mostly because of price but if RED can drop the quality just a little and still manage to make a good camera, it might be coming with teeth bared for the two big players.

Source: RED