Fabricor: Never wash your clothing again

Adrian Li's been on MasterChef, he's the head chef of Melbourne's Saigon Sally and now he's co-founded Fabricor – one of Australia's most innovative wearable technology start-ups. But Fabricor make a very different kind of wearable technology: stain-proof clothing.

Fabricor yesterday launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the manufacturer of stain-proof clothing for the hospitality industry. Whether it's covered in ketchup, soy sauce or red wine, simply spraying a piece of Fabricor clothing with a little bit of water will clean it completely according to Li. "It's like turning your clothing into wearable plastic or glass," Li said.

Despite the use of a nanoparticle proofing treatment, Li says there's almost no difference in the garment's wearability – cotton still feels like cotton. "You might feel a bit colder wearing it," Li said, "but other than that there's no difference."  

Li says there's also potential for Fabricor clothing to see use outside of the hospitality industry, specifically for children's clothing and the medical sector for blood-resistant hospital garments.

The clothing's stain-resistant, "hydrophobic" nature means garments seldom have to be washed, saving time, water and money.

Fabricor is hoping to raise AUD$5000 in its funding campaign that concludes on October 18. Stain-resistant aprons start at AUD$30, shirts at AUD$45 and jackets at AUD$90. The first Fabricor products are due to arrive in February next year. 

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