You Tube gives director his big break

Actor turned muso turned filmmaker, Andrew Vallentine, got his big break when he uploaded his latest project, a mockumentary called All My Tomorrows to Youtube

Actor turned muso turned filmmaker, Andrew Vallentine, got his big break when he uploaded his latest project, a mockumentary called All My Tomorrows to Youtube.

Vallentine took the unusual step of uploading his pilot for the series to You Tube in hopes of attracting a producer for the project.

Comments Valentine:

“I think most people are comfortable with looking at content on screen so I decided to upload it on to YouTube. I created a MySpace page for it and I sent it to all my Facebook friends. I got a bigger response from that than from physically posting it out to people.”

Lo and behold, success came a knocking and Vallentine’s humble pilot has turned into a twelve part series. The plot focuses on two brothers who were part of a successful rock band in the early 1990s. Now on the wrong side of 30, they are trying to revive their careers in the music industry.

The series is directed by Geoff Bennett and trainspotters will notice a bunch of local musos making cameos, including Tommy Emmanual and Spy V Spy drummer Mark Cuffe.

Source: SMH

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