Worker sacked by Fosters for YouTube posts

A worker at Foster’s Yatala brewery was given the sack after making YouTube videos that have offended his employers. The worker, Karl Tilcock, who has a form of mild autism has quite an online following for his offbeat skits performed under the moniker AustDingo.

The Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union state secretary Gary Bullock has labelled the dismissal as unfair: “LHMU has instituted proceedings in the Australian Industrial Relations Commission.”

Tilcock has worked at the brewery for the past 12 years during which time he has posted numerous videos up online parodying life at Fosters – many of which the company viewed as being disparaging. The company requested via a letter that he remove the offending videos from the site. Tilcock has obliged but since been sacked by the company.

Tilkcock has denied that any of the videos communicated untruths or were produced during work hours.

Says Tilcock: “They never argued the facts on me, just that it didn’t make the company look good. I’ve had to fight a lot more (because of the autism) and take time off to care for my family and the company didn’t like it,” he said. “I did my job.”

A Foster’s spokeswoman said Mr Tilcock was warned repeatedly about making videos in violation of company policy, and the backdrop of some videos showed he was at work when he produced them.

“We re-explained the rules to him after the initial warning,” she said. “He was making disparaging remarks and defaming the company.”

Source: Courier Mail