Wires Crossed #62 – November 25

Sony Bans Teens From Online Gaming
Sony Korea (South Korea, not North, believe it or not) has decided to ban kids under 16 from accessing to the PlayStation Network. Apparently a significant number of South Korean teens are addicted to gaming, so the company has decided to ban teenagers from playing on the Network after 11pm. Might sound draconian, but the South Korean government is looking at instigating its own law that will shut down both the PS Network and Xbox Live between 12am and 6am. But what is the point? Young gamers will still be able to play on their consoles, just no multiplayer.

Apple Sues Amazon
In a surprise move (sarcasm), Apple has decided to sue online retail giant Amazon. It seems that the lovely folk at Apple, not content with having lost the battle to stop Amazon using the word ‘appstore’ (which Apple believes it owns), it now believes that when Amazon left out the word ‘Android” when marketing its Kindle Fire it started ‘confusing’ people.  Of course, what this really is is Apple flexing its muscles and trying to make life as hard as possible for Amazon because the latter refuses to play ball over the use of the word appstore. Although, we are a little confused as to who is ‘confused’ about Amazon’s advertising of the Fire. They don’t mention anybody, but themselves. Hhmmmm….

EA Face Class Action Over Battlefield 1943
This is what happens when you have good intentions towards consumers but fail to fulfil the parameters that you set. Game publisher EA is in strife after announcing that those who bought a copy of Battlefield 3 would get a complimentary copy of Battlefield 1943, only to announce at a later date that this would not be the case. Lawyers from the firm Edelson McGuire contend that the second announcement came far too late and that some people might have been drawn in to by Battlefield 3 because they would be getting two games. Seems a bit of a stretch to us, but will be interesting to see the outcome. Might be cheaper for EA to just hand out copies of Battlefield 1943 to those with a receipt showing they have bought Battlefield 3.

Inmates Target Victim’s On Facebook
A trend in the US has prison inmates hassling victims of their crimes via smartphones and social networking sites. Several witnesses and victims in cases – ranging from domestic violence through to arson – have been targeted by those on remand awaiting trial/sentence, or those already convicted. This year the Department of Corrections in California has confiscated more than 12,000 smartphones compared to 261 six years ago. While prison officials are working with Facebook to delete offending accounts, it doesn’t mask the fear that victims feel, and the worry that they might be victims again when the offender is released from prison.

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