Wii: Fastest selling console in AUS history

It’s official… The Nintendo has stolen the crown from Xbox 360 as the fastest selling games console in Australian history.

“The launch of Wii has been a fantastic success for us,” says Rose Lappin, Director of Sales and Marketing. “We aim to bring gaming to the masses and I think we have taken some large steps in the right direction. Our main priority now is to deliver as many units as possible into retail channels, as quickly as possible, to try and meet this exceptional demand.”

Perhaps expecting today’s announcement that Nintendo had seized its record, Microsoft yesterday issued a statement claiming it had just recorded its highest grossing week of console hardware sales in Australia since the Xbox 360’s launch.

“Figures from GfK … show that around $2.6 million worth of Xbox 360 consoles were sold in the week ending 13 December,” reads the statement.

Nintendo spokesman Vispi Bhopti rubbished Microsoft’s $2.6 million figure, noting “Wii sold (in 4 days) just a smidgin under $13 million worth of hardware (and that’s not including accessories or software)”.

Although the Wii’s price tag is markedly cheaper than that of the Xbox 360 – $399.95 compared with around $650, respectively – Nintendo makes a profit on every Wii sold, while Microsoft makes a loss.

The Wii has already proven to be a sell-out success in North America and Japan, and very recently sent Europe into a retail frenzy. Nintendo is targeting to deliver 4 million Wii hardware units globally by the end of this calendar year and 6 million by the end of this fiscal year in March.

Source: SMH

Related Links: Nintendo Australia