Website For Consumer Protection

New webiste offers advice on how to avoid rip offs and what rights you have when shopping online.

To celebrate World Consumer Rights Day today, the International Consumer Protection Enforcement Network has launched a website to deliver better consumer protection world-wide.

“As more consumers participate in global markets there is a strong and growing need for effective cross-border consumer protection,” ICPEN president and Australian Competition and Consumer Commission deputy chair Peter Kell said today. “The new user-friendly site,, will help ICPEN members deliver better consumer protection.  It features sections tailored to the needs of consumers, consumer protection professionals and enforcement authority members of ICPEN.”

ICPEN is a cooperative forum of consumer protection authorities that encourages global cooperation aimed at combating fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair trading practices that affect consumers around the world.

The website provides consumers with information including how to avoid scams and shop safely online. There are also tips on where to look for help and how to lodge a complaint in cross-border disputes. For example, consumers who believe they have been a victim of deceptive practices on the Internet can register their complaint at, ICPEN’s global online complaint mechanism which is available in seven languages.