Video conferencing the way of the future

With the Rudd Government taking a hard line on travel spending within the public service sector, videoconferencing looks set to be the new wave.

With the Rudd Government taking a hard line on travel spending within the public service sector, it is expected that technology services such as videoconferencing will get a boost as government agencies look at ways to cut costs.

Whilst some Public Service departments already make use of the technology, a spokesman for Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner today stated they would be “looking to enhance its use by the public service generally”. Current research suggests government agencies spent $9.5 million on videoconferencing services and equipment during 2006-07 with the Defence Force making up the lion’s share of the bill clocking in at 64% of the spend at $5.4 million.

One can only imagine what the current public service sector travel costs came in at if bills like this are considered cost cutting…

Reported By Cec Busby