Mobile phones bad for your health

A recent report by Canberra Neurosurgeon Dr Vini Khurana has condemned mobile phone usage as being more harmful to your health than smoking.

A recent report by Canberra Neurosurgeon Dr Vini Khurana has condemned mobile phone usage as being more harmful to your health than smoking.

The report, ‘Mobile Phones and Brain Tumour – A Public Health Concern’ made headlines across the globe when it was released this weekend for its claims that the dangers from mobile phones outweigh those from smoking and even asbestos exposure. Dr Kuhurana suggested that world’s governments needed to take immediate action to reduce the effects of mobile phone radiation, particularly on the younger generation.

“In the years 2008-2012, we will have reached the appropriate length of follow-up time to begin to definitively observe the impact of this global technology on brain tumour incidence rates,” said
Dr Khurana.
“There is a significant and increasing body of evidence – to date at least eight comprehensive clinical studies internationally and one long-term meta-analysis – for a link between mobile phone usage and certain brain tumours.”

Khurana went on to say that the use of handsfree devices and bluetooth could increase the harmful effect. “Bluetooth devices and unshielded headsets can convert the user’s head into an effective, potentially self-harming antenna.”

Reported by Cec Busby