User Reviews

Have your say on the latest gadgets and games that come your way. Was something you bought recently a total lemon, or a total god-send? Vent your frustrations and sing your praises by submitting your own review to us (home-made pictures welcome).

Reviews will be posted and fully credited to their author.

All you have to do is send your review to [email protected]. Please keep reviews anywhere between 100 and 600 words.

Have your say on the latest gadgets and games that come your way. Was something you bought recently a total lemon, or a total god-send? Vent your frustrations and sing your praises by submitting your own review to us (home-made pictures welcome).

Reviews will be posted and fully credited to their author.

All you have to do is send your review to [email protected]. Please keep reviews anywhere between 100 and 600 words.

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