UFO nearly collides with passenger jet

The British Ministry of Defence have released files detailing close encounters with UFO’s, including a passenger jet that nearly collided with a UFO.

The Ministry of Defence files have revealed a passenger jet en route to Heathrow Airport had a near-miss with a UFO in 1991.

The captain shouted “look out” to his co-pilot as they saw what appeared to be a brown missile-shaped object flying overhead. A Ministry of Defence inquiry ruled out the object being a missile, weather balloon or a space rocket.

Around 200 files detailing unsolved close encounters will be made available to the public over the next four years. 19 sightings between 1986 and 1992 have been made online now, a release containing 4500 separate pages of material.

Dr. David Clarke, journalism lecturer and a UFO expert in Britain, has produced a video showing some of the highlights from the archives.

You can view the video HERE. If you have issues loading the video, you can always read the full transcript instead.

Sources: IT Wire, BBC News