Thodey Gets Top Telstra Job

Telstra gets a new CEO and chair of the board

Telstra’s head of corporate, government and large business customers, David Thoday, will take over as CEO of the company when Sol Trujillo exits at the end of June.

While Thoday’s choice, while not picked by some analysts, is no surprise, the exit of company Chairman Donald McGauchie, whose resignation was announced at the press conference, and is effective immediately. He will be replaced by current Telstra director Catherine Livingstone.

“Our strategy remains unchanged: to continue to provide customers with world-class products and services,” Thodey said in his first address as CEO-in waiting. “Completing the transformation will enable us to deliver a superior customer experience and the financial outcomes that our shareholders expect.”

Thodey, 54, has been at Telstra for four years after working at IBM.