The oddest reason to not buy an iPhone 6

There's plenty of good reasons to hold off on buying an iPhone 6, but this is the zanniest one we've heard. Astrologist Susan Miller told Time that users shouldn't buy an iPhone 6 between October 4 and October 25 because "Mercury is in retrograde". Allegedly, this period of cosmic slowing is "notorious for misunderstandings and technological failings".

“It’s not a good time to buy an electronic item,” Miller told Time. “Sometimes you can make the wrong decision or you buy something and you never use it and you say to yourself, ‘Gosh, that was a bad purchase'".

CyberShack was unable to confirm whether or not the iPhone 6's bending or botched iOS 8 updates were related to Mercury's retrograde.

If you're interested in genuine reasons to not buy an iPhone 6, click here.

Source: Time