Sayonara Bill Gates
Bill Gates is set to retire from Microsoft this week. As of June 27, Gates will step down as Microsoft’s Chief Software Architect.
Bill Gates is set to retire from Microsoft this week. As of June 27, Gates will step down as Microsoft’s head honcho to begin duties at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (his personally bankrolled charity).
“The challenge Microsoft has when the founder departs is remembering its heart,” said analyst Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group in Silicon Valley.
“At some point the firm has to take the essence of what made Bill Gates successful and make sure that is preserved. Whether it is a company or a person, once you’ve lost your heart there isn’t much left but a shell.” While Windows is still used on 90 per cent of the world’s computers, Mac computers using Apple operating systems have grown to more than five per cent of the market share. Source: to you by
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