Samsung iPhone clone unveiled

Samsung Electronics Co. has unveiled a new mobile phone that features some of the sleek design and functions of Apple’s much-hyped iPhone.

Samsung’s Ultra Smart F700 will be exhibited at next week’s 3GSM World Congress, a telecommunications exhibition in Barcelona, Samsung spokeswoman Sonia Kim said Friday.

Mobile phone makers have been scrambling to match the iPhone, unveiled last month by Apple CEO Steve Jobs. The device, which will be available starting in June, marks the iPod and Macintosh computer maker’s entry into the mobile phone business.

Samsung said the Ultra Smart F700 also has a full touch screen as well as a traditional QWERTY key pad that slides out “for users who are not yet familiar with a touch-screen-only user interface.”

Its third-generation (3G) technology is considerably faster than the iPhone’s EDGE system, and its 5-megapixel camera outclasses the iPhone’s 2-megapixel camera.

Source: ABC News

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