Queensland man charged after posting video online

Chris Illingworth, a 60 year old father of four from Maroochydore, has been charged with using the internet to access and publish child abuse material after posting a viral video online at Liveleak.

Chris Illingworth, a 60 year old father of four from Maroochydore, has been charged with using the internet to access and publish child abuse material after posting a viral video online at Liveleak.

Illingworth posted the controversial clip which featured a man swinging a baby around by its arms to Liveleak ( a news and current events video site) as he believed the clip made a good common interest story – only to find his home raided by Queensland police from Task Force Argos ( a special task force assigned with combating Child Pornography and child groomers) last weekend.

The baby in the clip is seen laughing and smiling as the man holding him swings him around – but outraged child welfare advocates have alleged the clip is abusive.

Now Illingworth is being tarred with the same brush and is scheduled to appear in Maroochydore courts on December 18.

Since being charged Illingworth has suffered immense stress – worried that people in his local community would now think he was a paedophile.

He commented to The Age:

“I’ve had to go down to the hospital, my blood pressure is 160/108 and I’m on blood pressure pills and valium – all because of this.

“Do they realise what pain they put someone through? I could fall over dead over this. I can’t even get the office work done. I’m just a zombie.”

Police are currently unable to comment on the case as it is before the courts.

Source: The Age

Image source: The Age