Pure Gets Picasa

Radio manufacturer Pure is bringing Picasa, the free photo editing and sharing software from Google, to its internet-connected digital radio, Sensia.

Radio manufacturer Pure is bringing Picasa, the free photo editing and sharing software from Google, to its internet-connected digital radio, Sensia.

The Picasa app on Sensia allows users to view photos that they have uploaded to Picasa Web Albums without the need to switch on their computer. Users can log into their Picasa account on Sensia and view a slideshow of their photos from a list of albums either on Sensia’s visual panel or full screen.

Captions can be overlaid and the timing of the slideshow can be controlled and paused. There is also a useful help section which explains how to use the Picasa app.

“Picasa is a great addition to Sensia as it really enhances the way photos can be shared and viewed at home with friends and family,” says Graeme Redman, Managing Director of Pure. “An interactive, entertainment hub, Sensia releases you from the shackles of your computer and fosters a more family friendly way of interacting with content.”

Picasa is the fourth app on Sensia adding to Twitter, Facebook and weather and is available now through a free software download.