Online to be regulated
The Federal Government has announced plans for a code of conduct to regulate online and mobile phone content. It’s likely a classification system similar to that currently used for films will be put into place.
According to the Australian Communications and Media Authority, any content that is likely to be for mature audiences over the age of 15 will need to be assessed under the new code. The code is the result of collaboration across a wide cross-section of industry and ACMA is encouraged by the code’s recognition that content regulation must be approached from the perspective of convergence between the two major platforms for delivery of online content, the internet and mobile phones,’ said Chris Chapman, ACMA Chairman. The code also includes best practice guidance for providers and hosts of content on how to manage and respond to customer complaints and contains information about online safety and the risks around the use of chat services for consumers. The code will only affect online content of Australian origin. To develop the code the ACMA sought the assistance of the Internet Industry Association, a body representing many of the local leading internet content providers. Source: The Australian Previous Post
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