New Series of CyberShack Kicks Off
Charlie and Anthony return, along with new recruit Ashley (see biogrpahy below), in the 10th series of CyberShack TV.
This series we will be talking to celebs Snoop Dogg and James Cameron, just to name a few, plus we will feature all the latest gadgets, games and gizmos that will be hitting the store shelves before Christmas.
The series starts on Sunday October 24 at 12 noon.
From Surfboard To Motherboard
The search is over for a new presenter for Australia's favourite home-technology television show.
Ashley Cheadle, an enthusiastic surfer and former “face of Billabong” will be joining the show’s long time hosts Charlie Brown and Anthony Slater to present all the latest in whizz bang gadgets and gizmos on the Network Nine’s Cybershack TV, which begins its tenth season this Sunday at Noon.
Cheadle won the position after an exhaustive search by the show’s producers who received over 450 audition tapes. But according to Charlie Brown, who is also CyberShack TV’s executive producer, the 22 year-old south coast resident stood out from the first with her presenting skills.
“Ashley is a born communicator who not only knows how to talk to camera but how to make home and entertainment technology fun and accessible to a broad audience," says Brown.
According to Cheadle the leap from modelling to television has not been as great as she thought, although she doesn’t hide the fact that she is more comfortable on a beach or riding a horse than sitting in front of a computer screen.
“I was a bit worried at first as I’m a bit of a nature kid at heart but like most things I’ve done in my career I just needed to work out how to connect to the CyberShack TV audience and communicate in a language that they want to hear.," she says.
Cheadle has been busy making a name for herself in the acting world of late, too. Not only has she attended the Stella Adler School in New York she has also appeared in Bluewater High, as well as the Hollywood film Fool’s Gold and numerous television advertisements, both here and in the United States.
CyberShack TV is Australia’s only 30 minute, free-to-air television program dedicated to looking at the fast growing and evolving consumer electronics and home entertainment industry. From the latest in GPS systems, 3D televisions and “wireless” games, right through to the World CyberGames championships, CyberShack TV is the place for information on all things technology.
Media enquiries to Carolyn Walsh at CBN Media on (02) 9439 4500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (02) 9439 4500 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
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