Napster founder to launch WoW community site

Napster founder Shawn Fanning is to launch a social networking site for online gamers, born from a frustration at the lack of communication tools in World of Warcraft.

Rupture will take the form of a software download that will pull character details, profiles, stats and other player details and publish them on a personalised webpage, according to a report on Business Week.

The software and related pages will help players organise their gaming and communicate with other WOW players, as well as track gaming habits and evolve individual profiles accordingly.

With World of Warcraft attracting 7.5 million players worldwide and growing, the number of players is set to explode with the release of the new expansion pack, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, launched on January 2007 in Australia.

The Australian pricing for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade will be $59.95 AUS for the Standard Edition and $99.95 AUS for the Collectors Edition.


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