Motorola sues ex staff member

According to reports in The Australian, Michael Fenger, a former exec at Motorola has allegedly violated a two year non-compete agreement by taking a job at Apple

According to reports in The Australian, Michael Fenger, a former exec at Motorola has allegedly violated a two year non-compete agreement by taking a job at Apple in the company’s iPhone division.

Fenger was said to have been paid millions of dollars in cash, restricted stock units and stock options in return for signing the agreement. However less than a month after signing the agreement Fenger accepted the iPhone role as Vice President of iPhone sales.

According to the suit, which was filed in Illinois last week, Fenger, also hired away two high-level Motorola employees who have access to Motorola’s trade secrets and customer relationships.

Neither Apple or Fenger have release a comment on the lawsuit…

If successful with their grievances, Fenger will have to pay damages and make repayment on stock options given to him in exchange for signing the non-compete agreement.