Mobile phones not bad for you says German study

We’re forever hearing shock stories suggesting mobile phones could be harmful to you health – well here’s a study that says otherwise…

We’re forever hearing shock stories suggesting mobile phones could be harmful to you health – well here’s a study that says otherwise…

The study, conducted by the German government into the health impact of mobile phones on children and teens discovered that there were no short term health implications. The study measured radiation levels in over 3000 children aged eight to 17 over a 24-hour period.

It showed there was no direct link between exposure to radiation and health complaints such as headaches and dizziness.

So whilst there seems to be no link between short term usage of mobile phones and illnesses – it’s not time to jump up and down in joy just yet – the study could not discount long term health risks for children their nervous and immune systems are not fully developed.

“We still do not know what long-term effects the electromagnetic fields from mobile phones have on children and youngsters,” said a spokesman for the Germany’s Federal Office for Radiation Protection.
As a precaution the office suggested limiting the use of mobile and wireless technology for young people.


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