Mercedes-Benz is expected to release an electric scooter next year

Electric scooters are a common sight around major Australian cities these days. Whether it’s a tech company-provided scooter like Lime, or a personal transport for quick, short trips around a city center, electric scooters are a popular choice.

If you’re after a little more of a boost in your social status, however, you may soon be able to get one with a three-pointed star on it.

Mercedes-Benz of all companies announced an electric scooter at the Frankfurt Motor Show last week. There’s very few details on it, but a photo shows that it is indeed a real product.

The scooter is the result of a partnership with a Swiss scooter manufacturer with a few tweaks here and there from Mercedes-Benz.

If your automotive allegiances lie elsewhere, BMW and Volkswagen are both reportedly looking into the market as well, while Ford has bought out an electric scooter company entirely.

Mercedes-Benz says the new scooter will launch early next year.