McFadden And Goodrem Stalked Via Twitter

Former boy band pin-up is getting stalked via social networking service

Irish pin-up Brian McFadden and girlfriend Delta Goodrem are the victims of a cyber stalker via Twitter.

The former Westlife singer hasn’t taken it lying down either by threatening the annoying stalker back, also via Twitter. Probably not the wisest thing to do, because it just encourages suck idiots. Still, must have been cathartic to tell the creep where to go.

It appears the stalker believes he and Goodrem are meant to be together, and has sent a Tweet to McFadden stating: Look Brian the reason Delta and I need you to leave on your own, is so you don’t Obsess and disturb our life together.

No wonder McFadden and Goodrem have called in security experts to sort the twerp out.