Low-cost laptop trialed in AUS

The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project aims to put low-cost laptops into the hands of impoverished children in the developing world, but work is already underway to trial them among indigenous populations in Australia.

Beginning production late last year, the simple laptop is currently being built for around $US150 each and is the brainchild of MIT Media Lab and Nicholas Negroponte, who billed it as being revolutionary for children’s education.

Millions of the laptops are already being built for Rwanda, Argentina, Brazil, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand and Uruguay, and it is understood they will be ready for distribution by July.

But it is fast being realised that many Australian communities could also benefit from the project.

Rangan Srikhanta, a treasurer with the United Nations Association of Australia, is liasing with local governments, universities and the OLPC group to organise local trials.

“We are working to get this laptop to the Northern Territory, where we feel that it could be very beneficial,” he said.

Source: SMH

Related Links: OLPC Wiki, OLPC.com