Lost gadgets phone home

Lost and stolen gadgets are finding their way home to their owners thanks to automated tracking devices.

Lost and stolen gadgets are finding their way home to their owners thanks to automated tracking devices.

New technology allowing consumers to track their digital gadgets has seen an influx of items returned to their owners after the gadgets got in touch with them… No we aren’t kidding.

Recently the back to mac service caught would be thieves in action and sent images back to the rightful owner of the thieves using the stolen laptop. An arrest ensued and the Mac found its way home.

Mor recently, native New Yorker, Alison De Lauzon, was contacted by her camera after it was stolen from a Florida restaurant. The camera was equipped with a Eye Fi SD Card which logged onto the internet when it passed a WiFi hot spot and uploaded her most recent snapshots online – including two pics of the guys that had stolen her camera…

The craziest case of all occurred in Japan last month when a Japanese man set up a hidden camera to monitor who was stealing food form his fridge. The camera sent pictures to his mobile phone of the intruder – an unknown woman who had been secretly living in his cupboard.

Source: SMH tech news