Let’s Fight It Together – Cyber Bullying

The ACMA sets up free teaching resource to attack cyber bullying

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) today launched Let’s Fight It Together, a new teaching resource to combat cyber bullying that will be available free to all schools in Australia.

Let’s Fight It Together is designed with teenagers in classroom situations in mind. The program aims to equip young people with strategies to avoid, get out of or help others deal with cyber bullying behaviour and to show adults how they can help.

‘The impact of cyber bullying – the use of social networking sites, mobile text messages, instant messaging, email and other websites to bully others – can be very damaging, and is becoming a significant issue for children and for schools,’ said Chris Chapman, Chairman of the ACMA.

‘Cyber bullying can be more pernicious than traditional forms of bullying: hostile messages can be sent at any time from any place; they can be sent anonymously and distributed more rapidly to wider audiences. For the target of the cyber bullying, there can be nowhere to run – places previously considered safe and personal are safe no longer.’

Let’s fight It Together is based around a short video story which presents a cyber bullying scenario derived from real experiences of teenagers who have been cyber bullied. The DVD also includes interviews with the characters in the story – teachers, parents and young people – about their perspective on the cyber bullying scenario presented. The accompanying booklet is a comprehensive guide for teachers with lesson plans and activities to help get the most out of the DVD.

The Let’s Fight It Together resource materials have been customised to Australian schools by mapping to Australia’s national Statements of Learning for ICT. It was originally developed by Childnet International and the UK Department for Children Schools and Families where it has received high acclaim. It is also being used by schools in New Zealand and Europe. The resource can not only be used in schools, but also by parents and others involved in the care of children. The ACMA already has orders from over 200 schools for Let’s Fight It Together.