Let the net decide who’s right

Feeling a little cranky with your loved one – rather than spend time bickering at home, why not air your dirty laundry on the internet and let website users decide who’s in the right…

Feeling a little cranky with your loved one – rather than spend time bickering at home, why not air your dirty laundry on the internet and let website users decide who’s in the right…

A new site, sidetaker.com invites warring couples to take their fight online and then asks readers to arbitrate.

Already hundreds of arguments have been fought out online some frivolous and some serious with some 8000 users voting on who’s right and who’s wrong.

The site was set up by Justin Marinos after an altercation with his loved one (his girlfriend did a drunken pash with another guy). When she refused to admit she’d done something wrong, he went online to get a second opinion.

Speaking with news.com, Marinos said: “I just didn’t like the fact that she chose to believe she was right and had her friends back her in it. So, I looked for the unbiased opinion which is hard to find…except for on the internet.

“Over 50 per cent of American marriages end in divorce. In a fight, each person has their side and are usually backed by their friends (on either side). When you can create a jury of anonymous peers to decide who is right or wrong in an argument, then the bias is gone and the person at fault will just have to suck it up.”

Not only couples are seeking an impartial arbitrator – flatmates, friends and workmates are heading online to resolve disputes.

Source: news.com