ISPs To Disconnect Infected Computers

Will ISPs soon have the power to disconnect your computer if you have too much spyware or malware on your hard drive?

According to The Register website Australia is considering adopting a code that would require ISP providers to contact, or even disconnect, customers with infected computers.
It is estimated that there are about 100,000 zombie computers in Australia. These are computers that, unbeknown to their owners, have malicious malware or spyware on them, and send out approximately 10,000 spam emails a day.

Some pundits think it would encourage people to get decent security software and run it once a week to clean up their computer, and therefore reduce the risk of a computer becoming a zombie. There could be a couple of problems though. First is the cost. Some are worried that it might be cost too much. ISPs can block clients, but it can be expensive.

Then, there is the issue of privacy and the rule of thumb that is to be applied by the ISP. Do they have the right to disconnect you? And how ‘infected’ must a computer be before an ISP takes action? Who decides on infection rates? Or is it a case of the ISP looking out for the good of everyone else? And do they have that right?