iPad Hype Hits Australia

It may have arrived late, but the excitement surrounding the entrance of the iPad into the Australian market hardly abated as some bleary-eyed Apple fan boys and girls waited overnight to be the first to get their hands on the much-anticipated tablet.

It may have arrived late, but the excitement surrounding the entrance of the iPad into the Australian market hardly abated as some bleary-eyed Apple fan boys and girls waited overnight to be the first to get their hands on the much-anticipated tablet.

With Apple also opening its Bondi Junction store today – just in time – there are a lot of happy customers who got their hands on the latest offering from the “love ’em or hate ’em” CE giant.

When it was initially announced, some in the CE community were underwhelmed by its functionality and trying to decide what it was – a tablet or ebook reader, or where it would fit in the social networking landscape. Of late, there has been a lot of revised opinions in the positive, and sales in the US have been brisk.

The iPad is a tablet notebook that can also be used as an eBook reader, social media hub, music player, and will have wi-fi functionality.

There are said be thousands on back order in Australia, with one media outlet reporting that deliveries could be behind for up to a week due to the courier company being unable to keep up with demand.

Be on the look out for a review on CyberShack early next week.

$629 for 16GB
$759 for 32GB
$879 for 64GB

Wi-fi + 3G Models
$799 for 16GB
$928 for 32GB
$1049 for 64GB.

Brought to you by CyberShack.com.au