UK-based Introversion, developer of Defcon: Everybody Dies and Darwinia, hints that it has some console and handheld initiatives brewing.
According to Morris, the opportunity to bring Introversion’s games to consoles came after the company won the Seamus McNally Award at last year’s Independent Games Festival for Darwinia. After receiving the top indie honor, Morris says that console makers “treated [Introversion] with a lot more respect.”
“I think you’ll be seeing some console titles coming out from Introversion over the next twelve months or so,” reveals Introversion director Mark Morris, who represents one-third of the company’s total headcount.
Morris didn’t disclose exactly which console or consoles will host Introversion’s games.
Morris adds that any console titles from the studio will most likely be downloadable, as Introversion already has experience with digital distribution via PC. He also says that the company is looking into downloads for handhelds, although he admits that
“There’s not really much of a download market for the handhelds now.”
He explains,
“The downloads fit with Introversion very well. [Downloadable games] need to be smaller, they need to be unique. All of our games have at least got that.” All three of the new consoles have downloadable services, with Xbox Live Arcade, Nintendo’s Wii Virtual Console and the PlayStation 3’s DLX service. The PSP is poised to become a more viable downloadable games platform in the future because of its hardware features.
It’s unclear whether Introversion will bring its past releases or brand new games to consoles.
Next Generation
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Introversion Software
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