Internode Gets Naked

Broadband provider Internode says it is bringing faster broadband to Tasmania with its Naked Extreme service

Broadband retailer Internode believes its new Naked Extreme services launched in Tasmania recently, will fill in many metropolitan broadband blackspots.

These services are delivered to customers from telephone exchanges equipped with Internode’s DSLAM equipment. As a result, Internode claims it can deliver faster and better quality broadband services at greater distances from the telephone exchanges than some competitors.

Naked Extreme services extend broadband reach from 4.1 km to as far as 7.5 km. This increases potential broadband coverage area for an exchange from 52 sq km to 176 sq km. 
As well as offering calls via the NodePhone VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service, NakedExtreme eliminates the need for a ‘dial tone’ service rental that typically costs about $30 per month. 

Although Internode launched NakedExtreme nationally in August last year, Tasmania was left out due to the lack of competitive backhaul services across Bass Strait. Today’s launch follows Internode last month gaining access to the Basslink fibre-optic cable, which offers viably priced backhaul.

A NakedExtreme service costs $10 more than the equivalent Extreme ADSL2+ service, however, as it incurs no voice line rental fee, customers typically will save about $20 a month, says Internode.  

NakedExtreme is available in Home, SOHO & Business plans, which offers download quotas, no charge for uploads; five email accounts and personal webspace: unmetered online games, radio stations and other content, free dialup account and global roaming.