Hackers uncover internet flaw

Hackers have been exploiting a critical flaw in the Domain Name System that allowed them to control the flow of traffic on the web.

Hackers have been exploiting a critical flaw in the Domain Name System that allowed them to control the flow of traffic on the web.

According to reports in The Australian, computer tech have been working furiously over the past two weeks to create a patch to solve the vulnerability.

“We are in a lot of trouble,” said IOActive security specialist Dan Kaminsky, who stumbled upon the Domain Name System (DNS) vulnerability about six months ago and reached out to industry giants to collaborate on a solution.

“This attack is very good. This attack is being weaponised out in the field. Everyone needs to patch, please,” Kaminsky said. “This is a big deal.”

DNS is used by every computer that links to the internet the vulnerability allows “cache poisoning” attacks that change the data stored in computer memory caches that relay internet traffic to its destination.

Attackers could use the vulnerability to route users wherever they want, no matter what address is typed into a web browser.

The threat is greatest for business computers handling online traffic or hosting websites, according to security researchers.

Kaminsky says as of today more than half the computers tested by his website www.doxpara.com are requiring a patch to fix the security issue.

Source: The Australian