Hack day at Yahoo proves a success

Last weekend, Yahoo hosted a ‘hackathon” allowing tech heads access to the firm’s inner workings. Approximately 300 hackers turned up to the event armed with laptops and dreams of creating the ultimate open sourceware.

Last weekend, Yahoo hosted a ‘hackathon” allowing tech heads access to the firm’s inner workings. Approximately 300 hackers turned up to the event armed with laptops and dreams of creating the ultimate open sourceware.

The event marked the first time the company had thrown open its platform to outside collaborators. Earlier in the week the company had released a document outlining its shift to an Open Strategy that company believes will revitalise its website and invigorate integration of online sites such as iTunes and Amazon.

Yahoo Developer Network head Chris Yeh said: “Open is a really important strategy for us. It is a new course for the ship. Our ability to turn Yahoo from a company that owns and operates its own sites to a company that lets other people in on the action is a critical growth moment. This is really exciting.”

Source: news.com