Google Street View launches

Google Street View has just launched. Using Google Maps you can now zoom in on a particular street corner, street or landmark – at street level!

Google have once again launched an amazing service we just have to cover for all the shackers. Google Street View is cool, it is the one cool add on to Google maps that everyone needs. Check out the preview and I guarantee you will say ‘Wow’. It’s as easy as clicking on the camera icon in one of the cities.

Using Google Maps you can now zoom in on a particular street corner, street or landmark – at street level! You can see what the location looks like! So you’re going to dinner with mates, you can now send them an email saying “Meet me on this street corner at 7pm” and if they then get lost and can’t find you – there is something seriously wrong with their ability to follow directions. This service is awesome, you can check out the building at Ground Zero in New York or what the front of Madison Square Garden looks.

We are again reminded that we are in the lower end of the world, as all the locations that are enhanced with Google Street View are in the USA, and ofcourse there is no ‘official word’ on when Sydney or Melbourne will be enhanced with Street View – but we will let you know whenever that is.

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