Google gets Arty

Google have something new up their sleeves in the form of a paintbrush and some ultra high-definition images today.

Google have something new up their sleeves in the form of a paintbrush and some ultra high-definition images today.

In conjunction with the Museo Nacional Del Prado (that’s an art gallery in Spain for anyone keeping up at home), you can now see 14 gigapixel images of some of the most brilliant pieces of art in the world.

Just looking at the previews here there’s Velazquez’s “Las Meninas” sitting there ready to look at with a whole heap of others looking like they’re on their way. I think I see a Durer there.

If you’ve always wanted to see some of the greats but can’t afford the plane ticket just yet, this could be the go for you.

It looks like they’re being changed every hour so check back frequently.

Source: Google Maps