Global PSP network coming soon

The long rumoured location free player for the PSP (which would enable you to access content on your PlayStation 3 via your PSP from anywhere) may finally be headed towards our sweaty hands.

In a recent BBC article exploring the rise of handheld gaming, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe spokesperson Jonathan Fargher made some revealing remarks about the implementation of a full-blown location free service for PSP users.

“We’re hoping to incorporate that functionality in the very near future – from a local level at the moment, to a global level probably within the next six months,” he said. “If I have my MP3 Walkman or my iPod or digital camera connected to PlayStation 3 then I can access those devices, too.”

This is a boon for all PSP users, adding that extra level of functionality whilst on the move. There’s no word as to some of the limitations of the service, only that you’ll need to access the network through a wireless hotspot.

Source: Pocket Gamer

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