Free WiFi for NSW nixed

Plans by the NSW government to launch a free CBD wifi service have been canned

Plans by the NSW government to launch a free CBD wifi service have been canned with NSW Minister for Commerce Eric Roozendaal saying it was not feasible for the government to continue pursuing the project on technical and financial grounds, citing cost blowouts in similar overseas projects as the main reason for denying the service.

“Most schemes sponsored by overseas governments have collapsed and require further funding to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. With technology changing so quickly, I cannot expose NSW taxpayers to that sort of risk.”

The project was placed out for tender back in 2006 with the network expected to be built by the second quarter of 2007. Nearly a year later, the project is still to get underway and with today’s announcement is likely to be shelved for good.

Currently WiFi hot spots are located around the city throughout the library network, several independent cafes chains and some hotels…