Facebook flavour of the month

Rupert Murdoch derided Facebook at a recent event – calling the website “little more than a directory and claiming the website’s popularity was a fad.

Rupert Murdoch derided Facebook at a recent event – calling the website “little more than a directory and claiming the website’s popularity was a fad.

The comment came after the News Corp CEO heard the latest site stats which saw Facebook outpacing Myspace for unique visitors in the last month. According to reports in the Sydney Morning Herald, Murdoch was quoted as saying Facebook had “done a great job of being flavour of the month the last six months of last year” but was not a real social network.

Figures revealed by ComScore on Unique Visitors to Facebook and the Murdoch owned Myspace website revealed that throughout May Facebook had 123.9 million uniques compared with MySpace’s 114.6million. When compared to figures from the same period last year, Facebook had a 162% growth with Myspace only recording a 5% growth in visitors.

In Australia, Nielsen Online says MySpace was first overtaken by Facebook in April and has significantly extended its lead since then. In May, Facebook received 2.95 million unique Australian visitors compared to MySpace’s 2.61 million.

Source: The SMH Technology News