Exploding iPhones Not Our Fault: Apple

Apple is going into damage control over reports out of Europe there is an exploding iPhone problem.

A couple of weeks ago we reported that there might be a problem with Apple’s iPhone overheating.

Some media have use the term “exploding”, which is incorrect – they are overheating, although Apple is saying that this is not true, and seem to putting it back on the owners of the mobile units, according to a report out of the BBC.

The report said that Apple had said the following: “The iPhones with broken glass that we have analysed to date show that in all cases the glass cracked due to an external force that was applied to the iPhone.”

However, most people deny it, and these reports have come from as far afield as Holland, the UK, France and Sweden.

In what is looking like a public relations nightmare, Apple needs to address the problem quick smart. Some pundits put it down to the huge amount of processing power the iPhone has taxing the battery power, but with Apple seemingly putting the blame somewhere else, it might be some time before the public know what has, or is, causing the iPhone to overheat.