Encyclopedia Brittanica opens up websharing

If you’re a blogger and regularly update your site you might be able to gain access to Encyclopedia Brittanica’s 65000 plus articles for free…

If you’re a blogger and regularly update your site you might be able to gain access to Encyclopedia Brittanica’s 65000 plus articles for free…

The 250 year old company which was once the knowledge centre of every family home has suffered huge disruptions to its business model since the advent of the internet and the ease of access by individuals to free knowledge services such as Wikipedia.

Currently you can purchase a full set of volumes of Encyclopedia Brittanica for US$1400 or access it online for a $70 subscription fee. Now the publishers are offering ‘web publishers’ the option to sign up for free access to the service allowing full access and the ability to provide readers with links to full version reference articles.

Since making the announcement on Friday, the company has been inundated with sign ups.
If you’d like to apply for the service head over to http://britannicanet.com/index.php?page_id=15