Crime fighting pups

The Australian Customs Office have been breeding pups for their detection dog program that are genetically predisposed to sniffing out drugs

The Australian Customs Office have been breeding pups for their detection dog program that are genetically predisposed to sniffing out drugs.

Using genetics and behavioral psychology, the trainers/breeders have engineered a superior breed of pups that are in demand the world over for their super olfactory abilities and keen fitness.

So far 330 of the pups have found placements in government and law enforcement agencies across 14 countries around the globe. You can see the dogs in action sniffing out explosives at airports or searching for weapons and drugs in hotspots such as the Beijing Olympic stadiums.

The dog breeding program was initiated shortly after the tragic events of 911 came to pass, when law enforcement officers realised they needed better prevention measures in place on ground. The Customs National Breeding and Development Centre and Melbourne University scientists answered the call to action and set about trying to breed a superior animal to answer the needs of the government and law enforcement agencies.

Speaking with the Sydney Morning Herald, the Breeding Centre’s manager, John Vandeloo said: “We were the first program in the world to really seek to answer the nature versus nurture question in terms of detector dogs. We’re into the sixth generation of the program now. We’re looking for an enormously strong hunting drive, a physique akin to an olympic athlete, mentally well-balanced and fearless.”

Each animals also receives a year long training program at a cost of $55,000.

Source: SMH

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