Businesses Formally Warned About Spam

  • Consent needed for emails
  • Must say how to unsubscribe
  • ACMA provides blog to help

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has issued formal warnings to two unrelated Sydney businesses, Select Print Solutions and SThree Australia.

The warnings were made in response to findings by the ACMA that both businesses had breached the Spam Act by sending marketing messages without consent. SThree Australia was also found to have sent messages that did not include information about how a recipient could unsubscribe, as required by the Act.

Despite the ACMA’s attempts to inform them of their Spam Act obligations, neither company acted promptly to improve their e-marketing practices.

The ACMA’s most recent e-marketing blog deals with the importance of a business taking action if the ACMA contacts it due to reports about spam. The blog provides guidance to businesses on what they should do when contacted, how to comply with the Spam Act, and protect their reputation.

The e-marketing blog is a key part of the ACMA’s campaign –‘Successful e-marketing…it’s about reputation’– which highlights that e- marketing to recipients who do not want to receive your emails is not a successful business strategy.