Beware Of Do Not Call Scam

  • Scammers charge fee for list on
  • Do Not Call Register
  • The register is free Don’t provide personal details over the phone

Unscrupulous telemarketers are offering to list consumers’ phone numbers on the Do Not Call Register for a fee, according to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).

“The Do Not Call Register is a free service provided by the Australian Government,” said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman, who warned consumers not to provide any personal identification or financial details to telemarketers making these calls. “If you receive a call from someone offering to list your number on the Do Not Call Register for a fee, we recommend you get as much information as possible from the caller and lodge a complaint with us.”

Chapman said the ACMA has received more than 30 complaints about the scam over the past month, although the actual number of scam calls being made is likely to be higher.

Registrations on the Do Not Call Register last for five years, and registering a number is fast, free and easy – simply call 1300 792 958 or go to