Beware of Digital TV Rip-Off

Door-to-door salesmen claim to be working for government, but are trying to rip off Aussies

In a unusual move, the Federal Government is warning Australians to on the look out for door-to-door salespeople offering digital television conversion equipment and falsely claiming to represent the Government.

“I was outraged to hear reports about people claiming to represent the Government and offering digital television goods door-to-door. These people have no relationship with the Government and should be reported immediately,” said Minister for Communications Senator Stephen Conroy.

“Anyone who becomes aware of this activity should immediately contact the Government’s Digital Switchover Taskforce by calling 1800 20 10 13 or visiting the web site. Make no mistake, any unscrupulous activity that is brought to the Government’s attention will be reported to Consumer Affairs.”

In January 2009, the Government announced a package of in-home assistance for people such as the elderly, people with disabilities and their carers to make the switch to digital television. The pilot package will be offered directly to eligible residents in Mildura/Sunraysia well before switchover.

“To be absolutely clear, once this scheme commences, it will be free of charge – and no government contractor is allowed to ask for, or accept, any payment or top-up fee of any kind,” said Senator Conroy.

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