Bank offering WoW Visa card

WoW fans take a seat… if spending virtual cash isn’t enough for you, you can now accrue free game time on your very own WoW credit card.

GameSpot are reporting that a bank in the US, First National Bank of Omaha, has signed a deal with Blizzard and is offering a Visa credit card with bonus game time to play World of Warcraft.

Much like the credit cards that offer frequent flyer miles for each dollar’s worth of purchases, the new WOW Visa will give players of the MMORPG free play time for their consumption with the card.

After receiving a free month of WOW for their initial purchase, players will receive “game time at the rate of 1 percent of every dollar in qualifying purchases.” That means for each US$1 spent on their WOW Visas, players will get US$0.01 credit toward their US$14.99 monthly subscription fee. Rewards are awarded through a points system.

At this time, the offer is only available to residents in the United States. For full details, check the FAQ.

Source: GameSpot

Related Links: WoW Visa