3D TV – so hot right now

Forget HD TV, the future of TV is all about 3D – if you believe the folk at Samsung or Philips.

Forget HD TV, the future of TV is all about 3D – at least if you believe the folk at Samsung and Philips who are planning to launch 3D TV sets onto the market.

Philips TV set will operate not unlike a holographic greeting card – sending images of slightly different angles of the same image to create video that seems to have 3 dimensions when your eyes scan the image.

Whilst the prototype that Philips’ showcased on Tuesday seemed to have a few issues, when everything came together, the 3D images were said to have startling clarity.

Speaking to AP, Bjorn Teuwsen who was demonstrating the product for Philips, said the move to 3D TV was the next natural progression.

“We say the market progression is black and white, to color, to high definition, to 3D. We estimate in a few years these will be in homes.”

Samsung is demonstrating its own no-glasses 3D television concept model this week in Las Vegas.

Source : AP