Home Robots – Ecovacs means less work, more time (cleaning)

Home Robots are a relatively recent phenomenon. Go back 10 years, and you saw novelty robots like Sony’s Aibo dog. Today we are up to Gen 4 advanced cleaning robots. These make home life easier and free up time for other activities.

The most common are robot vacuum cleaners, some with mopping options. They are relatively reliable and are used regularly, save a lot of time. Research shows that 66% of Aussies would purchase a robotic vacuum cleaner. Over 80% of us would accept a robot in the home.

They are a convenient option for regular cleaning and great for those who can’t manage a stick or canister vacuum. They can reach places that are difficult to clean with a vacuum, such as underneath furniture/beds. But remember that you still need a stick or canister vacuum for stairs, edges and dusting.

CyberShack has a full guide Five tips for choosing a robovac/mop (2023 update guide). This helps you select the right one for your home. But remember that the more you pay, the more intelligent and useful it is.

There are a few key elements to good home robots

  • Cleaning power – the robot vacuum should do a good job removing dust and detritus on hard and soft surfaces.
  • Efficient Navigation: The Gen, 4 robovacs with Camera, LiDAR, SLAM and infra-red, are best and fully navigate the house
  • Ease of use: Once installed and the initial map is done, you should simply push a button – no App required.
  • Reliable: It should be able to avoid obstacles and complete the run. Lower-cost robovacs need a lot more home prep and supervision.
  • Safety: Look for collision avoidance mechanisms that prevent harm to people, pets, furniture and itself. The lower-cost bumper style
  • With more and more connected devices coming into our homes, privacy considerations are more important. The company must offer transparency in its data usage, where your data is stored and high data security.

Featured Ecovacs Home Robots

The Ecovacs Deebot N10 Plus scores well against CyberShack’s Robovac selection guide.

Home robots

Thanks to Ecovacs’ 25 year experience in the industry, with 6 years in Australia, the company has played a big role driving the home robotics industry. Significant innovations in the space have helped bring robot vacuums out of their early days and made them into a powerful way to clean our homes today.Karen Powell, ANZ Regional Director for Ecovacs Robotics.

Home robots

The Deebot N10 Plus uses an innovative pressure-retention system that provides stable suction throughout the cleaning cycle. Combined with the Ecovacs brush design, the Deebot N10 Plus is capable of effective cleaning – no second pass needed.

Partnered with Deebot N10 Plus’ cutting-edge mapping technology, it ensures a more precise layout of your home and plans out an efficient path resulting in faster cleaning and lesser missed spots.

Additionally, cleaning schedules, modes and paths can be controlled and customised using the Ecovacs Home app.

home robots

Switching from cleaning carpets to hard floors usually requires swapping the vacuum to a mop. Ecovacs uses sensors to avoid mopping carpet, ending the mopping cycle and increasing suction to pick up more dirt.

Emptying manual vacuums can be a chore. Particularly for bagless cleaners that may spread dust back into the air while emptying. Robot cleaners can suffer the same issue unless they offer an automatic emptying function into their charging receptacle.

Once Deebot completes its cleaning cycle, it automatically empties its dustbin into the charging station receptacle. That is a bagged system with a new antibacterial filter that prevents dust and allergens from recirculating through the house. The bag can hold 2.5L of dust, meaning you can go quite a while between replacements.

Home robots
Home robots

Ecovacs Winbot W1 Pro

Robot vacuums aren’t the only home robot that helps you keep your home clean. The Winbot W1 Pro is excellent for cleaning vertical surfaces like windows, sliding doors, tiles, and shower glass.

Robot cleaners are perfectly suited to this task, optimising a path around the whole surface and leaving no spot untouched.

With sophisticated path planning, wide-angle spray action, and powerful suction, the W1 Pro easily cleans with a firm wiping action. Its microfiber cleaning pad allows exceptional water absorption that leaves a streak-free finish on the surface it cleans.

Ecovacs supports CyberShack and this announcement is for reader interest.

CyberShack robot vacuum, mop and other cleaners news and reviews